Welcome to gtd academy!

gtd academy is a training hub designed to co-ordinate and manage all learning and development activities within gtd healthcare and beyond, extending to external customers and stakeholders.

The academy is an evolving education centre, which tailors training programmes and packages in accordance with internal demands, training needs analysis, external requirements, and changes in trends. This ensures the academy is always meeting the needs of our users, both current and prospective.

Opportunities for external users

In addition to managing the learning and development activity for our people, the academy is working towards providing comprehensive training programmes and packages for external users, across a range of disciplines.

Our vision is to be a provider of choice among external companies and candidates, due to the delivery of a range of high quality, relevant training.


  • have established links with external networks and higher education institutions;
  • aim to enhance service delivery and patient care through quality multi-professional education;
  • build links with our communities to ensure we understand the needs of patients, which influence our education and training provision;
  • build relationships with like-minded organisations to share and develop learning packages.

What does the academy mean for our people?

Our people will continuously be at the forefront of the academy and play a key role in driving and leading its success. The vision for our people is for the academy to be a central training hub for all internal learning and development activity, resulting in a highly skilled, competent workforce and creating a positive training culture for all. To achieve this, the academy provides opportunities and support for staff to reach their full potential and overcome any barriers to training.

Training delivery

gtd academy takes a flexible and modern approach to learning by offering a range of programmes and innovative ways of delivery. As we know, all individuals are different and one style of learning does not appeal to all. Our faculty of trainers use their excellent skills, knowledge and expertise to deliver high-quality training and education to gtd healthcare colleagues, partnership organisations and other external users. To meet individual and business goals, we source external training on or off-site in response to changes to services or national/local protocols.

Get in touch and find out more!

If you would like to discuss the academy in more detail, please contact the team via gtd.academy@nhs.net

Further information about gtd academy is available here.